Archives for March 2008
Google Advertising: a platform example
In continuing my quest for better platform definitions, I’ve considered a few well-known examples. In particular, I will try (over this week) to highlight some both well-known and smaller examples of platform companies. Let’s start with perhaps the biggest…or at… continue reading »
What is a platform?
The term "platform" seems to be bandied about fairly regularly. It is one of those terms that has captured business notoriety and now pops up in discussions about social networking, SaaS, Computing, even media integrations. As a Platform Evangelist, I’m… continue reading »
IP Commerce Platform
As I alluded to in a recent post, we have spent a fair amount of time internally prepping information for a press release. As of Monday morning, the IP Commerce Platform has been officially, publicly announced. You can read the… continue reading »
Payment Tender Adoption: It’s Not About the Card
As I mentioned Monday, I spent the last few days at the PrePaid Card Expo in Las Vegas. The PrePaid segment has always been rather intriguing to me. The "bucket" of PrePaid encompasses a vast range of implementation and workflows. … continue reading »
PrePaid Card Expo
It has, unfortunately, been a while since I’ve blogged. I’ve been writing…frequently, almost excessively…but not writing intended for web consumption. There are some extraordinarily exciting things happening at IP Commerce that I will be able to share in the upcoming… continue reading »