Category archives: Security

Medieval Art, Collective Intelligence, and Language Abuse

As mentioned in my last post, I suspected that last week would prove to be extremely interesting. I was, in fact, not disappointed. The Paypal X Innovate event was much what you would expect. I will comment on some of… continue reading »

Consistency In Customer Experience: Single-Sign On

As I mentioned yesterday when discussing Transaction Management, one of the key components of Commerce Modules (as offered through the IP Commerce Platform) is the ability to quickly and simply drive a consistent customer experience. Hence the statement of a… continue reading »

Commerce Service Bus: Powering Payments Innovation

Over the course of the last 5 days, we have discussed several elements that were announced in a Press Release on June 7.  These discussions have included: Commerce APIs Federated Identity Commerce Business Rules All of these bits of technology… continue reading »

Federated Identity: Overlaying Integrations With Appropriate Security Controls

In yesterday’s post, I concluded by mentioning the concept of “governance.”  Governance, as defined by Wikipedia, is: “Governance relates to decisions that define expectations, grant power, or verify performance.” In all software workflows, there is an element of governance.  In… continue reading »

ProPay Data Security Summit: a day 1 summary

Event attendance is an intriguing experience.  If you have not heard the term “backchannel”, let me explain…rather, let me link to something on the subject.  Read that, or at least the intro, and return…I don’t mind waiting. Back already? To… continue reading »

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