Payments API Blog: a launch post launched today!

This blog, managed by IP Commerce, is focused on the discussion surrounding API strategies and the payments industry.  Myself, as well as several other folk from IP Commerce & other industry participants, are partnering together to further the discussion about the topic of APIs.  As I have reiterated, over the last week, the experience that IP Commerce has with software companies & developers looking to add payments to software is something that should be shared.  That is, truly, what is about.

I remain convinced that better voice-of-customer is beneficial for the entirety of the industry.  We have that customer experience and are excited to share what is required to truly deliver comprehensive, open APIs for payments.

The first post Now Open Payments API goes into greater detail about the “why” for the launch and I encourage you to read it.

You may wonder how this affects this blog.

It doesn’t…really…what it does enable is me to continue to comment on payment industry trends, technology trends in general.  In addition, I will be broaching some more detailed technological questions/answers that have arisen over the past year.  If there are topics related to payments, in general, that you desire covered Contact Me and I am happy to oblige.

More information for the industry.  More discussions of APIs.  More opportunities for all of us to learn and benefit


June 15, 2010

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