Archives for June 2010

Commerce Service Bus: Powering Payments Innovation

Over the course of the last 5 days, we have discussed several elements that were announced in a Press Release on June 7.  These discussions have included: Commerce APIs Federated Identity Commerce Business Rules All of these bits of technology… continue reading »

Commerce Business Rules: Managing Workflow & Value in the “Cloud”

Federated Identity, as discussed yesterday, is about governance and security in commerce workflows but more is required to sufficiently drive the workflows that software companies are building, for their customers. Federated Identity is one element in the equation of governance.… continue reading »

Federated Identity: Overlaying Integrations With Appropriate Security Controls

In yesterday’s post, I concluded by mentioning the concept of “governance.”  Governance, as defined by Wikipedia, is: “Governance relates to decisions that define expectations, grant power, or verify performance.” In all software workflows, there is an element of governance.  In… continue reading »

Commerce APIs: It all begins with integration

For those of you not familiar with the term “API”, let’s discuss its meaning. An “Application Programming Interface” is, simply, the interface that allows one piece of software to communicate with another.  In most cases, this interaction between differing pieces… continue reading »

Driving Innovation in Payments: Platform Updates

As you may already be aware…IP Commerce announced, via a press release, a substantial update to our Managed Commerce Services Platform. The content of this release is available on the IP Commerce site (as linked above) or on The… continue reading »

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