Social Media in Payments: a follow up
I have several online, and offline, conversation about my most recent blog post…it has prompted both interesting and frustrating conversations. Of course, there is always interest in those who agree (or whole-heartedly disagree) with an opinion. Perhaps one of the best follow-ups was found on the Payment Systems Blog.
I highly encourage you to read David Bergert’s perspective on Social Media. It can be found at Social Networking – Twitter and other tools. David is one of the, growing, many who agree with my perspective. In addition, he adds some additional stories of his colleagues interaction online.
Are you using Social Media for business? If not, get to it.
Just remember, it isn’t about owning the conversation but contributing. And sometimes, it is more important to listen than to talk to excess.
David did do one thing I neglected…
What’s your perspective? Agree? Disagree? Anything to add? Critiques? The comment form is below. . .
December 17, 2008